The UN Millennium Campaign and the UNDP Regional Service Centre in Africa have published Structural Transformation and the Challenge of Financing Africa’s post-2015 Development Agenda. The paper is a powerful synthesis of a 2-day forum of leading African thinkers, parliamentarians, civil society organizations hosted by the Pan-African Parliament in Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa in order to develop a shared narrative of what the pos-2015 agenda should be about and how such an agenda should be financed, from an African perspective. For the post-2015 agenda to be relevant to Africa, it should form an integral part of the African structural transformation vision, and Africans must drive such an agenda for Africans. Similar, Africa must plan from the outset how to finance such an agenda, relying substantially on mobilizing and using own domestic resources properly and managing external resources sensibly.
A new form of global partnerships is necessary, one that is rooted in fairness and justice and basic respect and trust in Africa’s ability to put its own house in order.