Africa Rising trip, July 2014
Celebrating success and accelerating action on the Millennium Development Goals for children
1-3 July 2014: South Africa – Malawi – Rwanda
#AfricaRising reflects the hope and resilience Mandela promoted by shining a light on positive examples to lead the way in Africa.
A 3-day mission by members of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s MDG Advocacy Group in Africa to South Africa (Johannesburg), Malawi (Lilongwe) & Rwanda (Kigali)
- South Africa: The MDG Advocacy group will launch their activities in Africa officially on July 1st in Johannesburg. As MDG Advocate and Chair of the PMNCH Board, Graca Machel will be leading discussions on accelerating progress on the MDGs.
- Malawi: On July 2nd, Prime Minister Solberg and participating advocates will conduct a field visit focused on girl’s education.
- Rwanda: Co-Chair President Kagame will host a MDG Advocates meeting in Kigali on July 3rd, and showcase MDG progress in country with a focus on health, sanitation and gender equality.
More info: http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/advocates/africarising.shtml