Raise your voices on climate change – Ban Ki-moon, urges African Youth


ABUJA – 25 AUGUST 2015: United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has charged the youth of Nigeria to be ambassadors and champions in advocating for climate change issues. Speaking during a twitter chat as part of … Continue reading

UN Millennium Campaign screens second Virtual Reality film about Ebola survival and recovery in Liberia


10 July 2015 – New York The United Nations Millennium Campaign screened a Virtual Reality film today at the United Nations. Waves of Grace follows a young woman’s struggle for life amid the Ebola epidemic.  … Continue reading

Building Bridges kicked off! From Amsterdam to Cape Town #BB2015UN

Building Bridges

24 February 2015 – Building Bridges kicked off in The Netherlands! From now until August, Jilt van Schayik (UN Youth Representative for The Netherlands) and Teun Meulepas will be cycling from Amsterdam to Cape Town. From … Continue reading

UN Chief tasks Nigeria on the post MDGs agenda


6 February 2015, Abuja, Nigeria With on-going efforts aimed at designing a successor development framework to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the United Nations has tasked political and civic leaders in Nigeria on the early … Continue reading

Report: Assessing Progress in Africa Toward the Millennium Development Goals


While an increasing number of Africans are enjoying higher living standards, countries in Sub-Saharan Africa should redouble efforts to ensure crises such as the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa do not reverse development achievements, … Continue reading

African Faith Leaders debate the Post MDGs Agenda

Kampala, Uganda, 2nd July 2014 The role of African faith leaders in promoting human development on the continent came to the fore at the beginning of a two-day African Faith Leaders’ Summit on Sustainable Development … Continue reading

Post 2015 Agenda: UN Millennium Campaign Supports African Faith Leaders

With the deadline to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approaching, different levels of implementations as well as emerging development challenges have made it imperative to draw up a successor framework building on the success, … Continue reading

Conference on Inequalities in Africa: Accra, 28-30 April, 2014


The Pan-African Conference on Inequalities in the Context of Structural Transformation will take place in Accra, Ghana on April 28-30, 2014. Inequalities are a recurrent theme in the debate on development. The Millennium Declaration recognized the concern over … Continue reading

The African Narrative


The UN Millennium Campaign and the UNDP Regional Service Centre in Africa have published Structural Transformation and the Challenge of Financing Africa’s post-2015 Development Agenda. The paper is a powerful synthesis of a 2-day forum … Continue reading

“Global Financial Crisis Forgotten Too Soon”

Read UN Millennium Campaign African Director, Charles Abugre, weekly column on international economic and development matters at Business Daily Africa. …. THE ARRIVAL of 2014 marks the sixth year since Lehman Brothers Investment Bank of the United States … Continue reading