All over the World Parliamentarians play a key role in teh achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Parliamentarians can help shape a consensus and must invest greater efforts in reinforcing accountability, both in their oversight function to government but – most importantly- towards citizens , with greater transparency and listening. Cross cutting issues such as sustainability, resilience, inequality, gender, governance, security and human rights present additional challenges that parliamentarians agree can be key to making a difference. Furthermore, strong partnership between parliament, government, civil society, private sector, including women and young people can go a long way towards achieving the MDGs and shaping the world we want post-2015.
- April 22, 2013Key Recommendations from the Asia Post-2015 Alternative Narratives Meeting - 23 – 24 March, 2013 Bali, Indonesia Representatives of civil society organizations, people’s movements, academics and researchers deliberating over two days to consider alternative narratives on development, propose the following analysis and recommendations for the … Continue reading
- December 10, 2012Parliamentarians from Asia deliberate on instruments of progress and equity for the Post-2015 agenda - Over sixty Parliamentarians from across countries such as Bhutan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Uzbegistan, India and Bangladesh are assembling along with Civil Society Organisations to review progress on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and discuss a framework for … Continue reading
- November 21, 2012Asia-Pacific Members of Parliament and civil society to focus on disparities as MDG deadline looms - Manila, The Philippines. — Active engagement of parliaments, civil society organizations (CSOs) and development partners remain at the heart of accelerated efforts to address disparities in achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015, … Continue reading
- May 23, 2012Parliaments Must Be Strong Inclusive Leaders in the Fight Against Poverty in Africa - A second day of parliamentary debates in Addis Ababa turned to key issues of accountability, leadership and oversight of parliaments across the continent as parliamentarians from Ghana, Philippines and Burkina Faso opened the session by … Continue reading
- May 22, 2012We Have No Excuse For Africa To Fail - 150 African parliamentarians underline their strong commitment and key role in delivering the MDGs Parliamentarians have a key role to play in the future of Africa; looking at budgets, providing scrutiny and oversight of government … Continue reading
- May 21, 2012The African Network of Parliamentarians on the MDGs Meets in Addis Ababa Ethiopia - “Parliaments are key for ensuring the achievement of the MDGs in Africa. Where parliaments are active they make a huge difference to implementing the MDGs. Africa is proof.” – Charles Abugre, Africa Director of the … Continue reading
- January 19, 2012MDGs: United Struggle Towards National Realisation - Nigeria, 19 Jan 2012 – As the 2015 deadline year for realisation of the eight global Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) draws nearer, the House of Representatives Committee on the MDGs, the United Nations Millennium Campaign … Continue reading